How it Works

Nonprofits across the country face many barriers to getting their solar projects financed. RE-volv works with community-serving nonprofits across the country to help finance nonprofit solar projects, while saving nonprofits on average 15% or more on their electricity bills. Nonprofits are able to invest their solar savings back into their mission and the communities they serve.

RE-volv provides solar financing to nonprofits through two innovative financing tools, including a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) and a Solar Lease. Both financing vehicles offer a 20-year term that includes no up-front costs and an average of 15% savings on electricity bills from day one, which increases throughout the length of the solar term. Throughout the term of the PPA or Solar Lease, RE-volv owns the system and covers all operation and maintenance costs. After the term is completed, the ownership of the solar system is transferred to the nonprofit.

To scale our proven model of success in helping bring solar to deserving small to medium sized nonprofits across the country, we utilize grants, donations, and Recoverable Grants to help finance the up-front cost of bringing solar to nonprofits. Foundations and Donor Advised Funds can get involved in our work by making a Recoverable Grant to RE-volv, which will be used directly to fund solar projects for youth centers, food banks, houses of worship, animal shelters, and more nonprofits across the country.

RE-volv’s 10 Year Anniversary Video