Solar Installers

Solar Financing for Nonprofits

Solar Installers: Request Solar Financing for Nonprofit Leads

Solar installers nationwide can partner with RE-volv to help a nonprofit go solar through our nonprofit tailored solar financing model.

Community-serving nonprofits across the country receive solar financing from RE-volv for zero down and save 15% or more on their electricity bills through RE-volv’s Power Purchasing Agreement or Solar Lease financing options.

Solar companies working with a nonprofit that needs help financing their solar project can request a free solar financing quote from RE-volv. RE-volv honors the relationship between solar installers and their nonprofit customers - we ensure the company who referred a nonprofit to us for solar financing will be the ones who install the project.

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RE-volv’s Solar Financing - How it Works

  • 1 RE-volv reviews your application and provides a free solar quote for your nonprofit solar lead.
  • 2 The solar installer, nonprofit, and RE-volv meet to discuss the solar financing option.
  • 3 If approved, RE-volv and the nonprofit sign into a partnership agreement.
  • 4 The solar system is installed by a local solar company. If your solar installation company submitted this form on behalf of a nonprofit you’re working with, RE-volv honors that relationship and will work with your company on the solar installation.
  • 5 The nonprofit will save 15% or more on their electricity bills from day one and lock in electricity rates for 20 years. All warranties, operations, and maintenance are covered.
  • 6 RE-volv helps engage and educate the community about the nonprofit’s work & the benefits of solar.
  • 7 Solar lease payments are continuously reinvested into RE-volv’s Solar Seed Fund – a first-of-its-kind revolving fund used to finance future nonprofit solar projects. Each nonprofit helps 2-3 other nonprofits go solar through our pay-it-forward model.