Solar for BIPOC Houses of Worship

In partnership with the U.S. Department of Energy's Solar Energy Innovation Network

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Through this innovative partnership, RE-volv, Green The Church, and Interfaith Power & Light will accelerate the deployment of solar energy in underserved communities by assisting BIPOC houses of worship around the country go solar. RE-volv, Green the Church, and Interfaith Power & Light will work together to streamline the solar process while raising awareness about solar in the surrounding community, helping to spur local solar adoption and workforce development opportunities.

A Collaborative Task-Force for Solar Equity: About the Solar Energy Innovation Network

The Solar Energy Innovation Network is a U.S. Department of Energy program that helps communities develop transformative ways of adopting solar energy. Teams work together and with the National Renewable Energy Laboratory to develop their ideas in real-world contexts, yielding results that can unlock tomorrow’s solar markets. 

How to Get Involved

Want to learn more?

Sign up here and get on the mailing list to learn more about this partnership and opportunities to go solar for your House of Worship as this project develops.

RE-volv, Green the Church, and Interfaith Power & Light are committed in principle and practice to promote inclusivity.

Please read our inclusivity policy here